Many companies across the world are choosing to adopt the 4 Day Work Week, and for good reason! Countries such as Japan, Iceland, and even New Zealand are already experiencing the benefits.
As defined by National World, “the four-day working week allows employees to reduce the number of days they work, while still working the same amount of hours”. Through improved workflows, some companies even allow their employees to work a four-day work week without the daily hour increase.
Benefits of The 4 Day Work Week

Although the idea of a 4 Day Work Week is relatively new, participating companies are already experiencing positive results. From physical and mental health improvements to increased productivity and employee retention. The good far outweighs the bad when it comes to working one less day a week! Here are the top benefits of the 4 Day Work Week:
Increases Productivity
Oftentimes, when discussing the 4 Day Work Week, people make the assumption that fewer days worked will equal lower productivity. However, as reported by Forbes, “In 2019, Microsoft Japan tested reducing the workweek by one day, which led to a 40% boost in productivity.
Better Work-Life Balance
People working a 4 Day Work Week testify that they spend more time with their family, doing the things they love. Employees feeling more fulfilled in life are more likely to stay with the company. As you already know, retaining fully trained and talented employees is essential for company productivity, growth, and longevity.
Improves Health
When employees are given the chance to spend more time away from the office, they are more likely to take care of their mental and physical health. An extra day off each week gives people the downtime needed to recuperate and focus on their health. Companies who have adopted the 4 Day Work Week report that employees come back to work refreshed. And in turn, ready to work efficiently!
Reduces Carbon Footprint
According to Better Up, “Many estimates put the reduction in carbon footprint at around 30% simply by offering one full day off per week”. This means that by giving each employee an extra day off each week, a company can significantly reduce its impact on the environment. Think about the positive impact this can have on our Earth’s atmosphere, if each country vowed to adopt the 4 Day Work Week!
The Future of Work

By adopting the 4 Day Work Week, many companies are finding no need to purchase real estate or hold a lease for an entire company building. Studies have shown that employees are just as or even more productive when their employer allows a hybrid work model. That is, when they are allowed to work at home for a portion of the week.
LibertySpace offers flexible workspace solutions for companies that require employees to meet in-person for part of the week. From full offices and storage units to flexible coworking spaces. LibertySpace has everything you need to run your business without the burden of a lease or a mortgage. Contact Us today to learn more about how we can help your business transition to a more cost-effective hybrid work model!