Why the Human Touch can’t be Replaced in Business

Recently we’ve discussed the changes of business in the modern world. Specifically, the effects of technology and what it means for businesses. This got us to thinking that no matter how advanced technology gets, we will always respond well to human interaction. Consumers now more than ever crave the personal touch when it comes to […]
Emerging technology for small businesses

Like the industrial revolution of the 18th to 19th centuries, the tech revolution is set to change the world as we know it. The difference now is that this revolution is much more incremental. The worry is that you can’t take your eye off the ball for a second for fear of missing the next […]
Is social media making us all the same?

This week, we were scrolling through Instagram and came across the mind boggling hashtag: #mood. This got us thinking about the new world of influencers and their apparent lack of originality. The first thought, of course, is ‘what does that even mean?’. Is it a good mood, a bad mood, ambience…what?! Turns out it’s all […]