Working from home is a whole other thing when you can never leave.

working from home

For many years we’ve helped people find workspace so we’ve heard all the horror stories of working from home- and amidst a global pandemic the story is no different. People across the land are suddenly working from home with little to no warning. Creating makeshift desks out of ironing boards, clothes hampers and ping pong […]

Where to work when home isn’t an option?

alternatives to working from home

Back in 2020, workplaces across the nation closed in an attempt to stave off the spreading of the Coronavirus. What may have been considered erring on the side of caution then has fast become a large increase in people working from home. Those who have worked from home before have struggled with the usual problems; […]

3 Ways to Stay Productive During the Festive Season

staying productive at christmas

As much as we are all the epitome of unwavering diligent industriousness… the festive season seems to have us counting every hour and minute in the lead up to Christmas. Have you witnessed this level of excitement in some from January 1st? They must be nut-crackers! Personally, I’m a bit of a Grinch (boo! hiss! […]